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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/13/23 Overcoming Fear TJ Smith Overcoming Obstacles in Life Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_8-12-23_Overcoming_Part_3_-_Fear.MP3 Overcoming_Fear.pdf
08/06/23 Overcoming Failure TJ Smith Overcoming Obstacles in Life Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_8-6-23_-_Overcoming_Part_2_-_Failure.MP3 Overcoming_Part_2.pdf
07/30/23 Importance of Overcoming TJ Smith Overcoming Obstacles in Life Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_7-30-23_-_Overcoming_Part_1.MP3 Overcoming_Part_1.pdf
07/23/23 Attributes of the Servant of the Lord (Part 2) TJ Smith Attributes of the Servant of the Lord Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) TJ_Smith_7-23-23_-_Attributes_of_the_Servant_of_the_Lord_Part_2.MP3 Attributes_of_the_Servant_of_the_Lord_Part_2.pdf
07/23/23 Jesus Loves Me TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_7-23-23_-_Jesus_Loves_Me.MP3 Jesus_Loves_Me.pdf
07/16/23 Attributes of the Servant of the Lord (Part 1) TJ Smith Attributes of the Servant of the Lord Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) Attributes_of_the_Servant_of_the_Lord_Part_1.pdf TJ_Smith_7-16-23_-_Attributes_of_the_Servant_of_the_Lord_Part_1.MP3
07/16/23 Dare To Be A Daniel TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_7-16-23_-_Dare_to_be_a_Daniel.MP3 Dare_To_Be_A_Daniel.pdf
07/09/23 Are We Led By The Spirit? TJ Smith N/A Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) TJ_Smith_7-9-23_-_Are_We_Led_by_the_Spirit.MP3 Led_By_The_Spirit.pdf
07/09/23 I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_7-9-23_-_Ive_Got_the_Joy_Down_in_My_Heart.MP3 Ive_Got_the_Joy_Joy_Joy_Joy_Down_in_My_Heart.pdf
07/02/23 Oh Be Careful Little Eyes TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_7-2-23_-_Oh_Be_Careful_Little_Eyes.MP3 Oh_Be_Careful_Little_Eyes.pdf
06/25/23 The Gift of the Holy Spirit TJ Smith N/A Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) TJ_Smith_6-25-23_-_The_Gift_of_the_Holy_Spirit.MP3 Baptism_-_Gift_of_the_Holy_Spirit.pdf
06/25/23 I Am My Brother's Keeper Will Montgomery N/A Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) Will_Montgomery_6-25-23_-_I_Am_My_Brothers_Keeper.mp3 I_Am_My_Brothers_keeper.pdf
06/18/23 Which Baptism Saves Us? TJ Smith N/A Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) Water_or_Holy_Spirit_Baptism.pdf TJ_Smith_6-18-23_-_Water_or_Holy_Spirit_Baptism.MP3
06/18/23 I'm in the LORD's Army TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_6-18-23_-_Im_in_the_LORDs_Army.MP3 Im_in_the_LORDs_Army.pdf
06/11/23 God Wants You To Succeed TJ Smith N/A Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) TJ_Smith_6-11-23_-_God_Wants_You_To_Succeed.MP3 God_Wants_You_To_Succeed.pdf
06/11/23 Zacchaeus Was A Wee Little Man TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) Zacchaeus_Was_A_Wee_Little_Man.pdf TJ_Smith_6-11-23_-_Zacchaeus_Was_A_Wee_Little_Man.MP3
06/04/23 Roll the Gospel Chariot Along TJ Smith Lessons from Children's Songs Sunday AM Worship (1st Service) TJ_Smith_6-4-23_-_Roll_the_Gospel_Chariot_Along.MP3 Roll_the_Gospel_Chariot_Along.pdf
06/02/23 What Must I Do To Be Saved? Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting 7_What_Must_I_Do_to_Be_Saved.pdf Marshall_McDaniel_6-2-23_-_What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved.mp3
06/01/23 How Can I Please God? Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting 6_How_Can_I_Please_God.pdf Marshall_McDaniel_6-1-23_-_How_Can_I_Please_God.mp3
05/31/23 Death - Then What? Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting Marshall_McDaniel_5-31-23_-_Death_-_Then_What.mp3
05/30/23 Five Reasons to Believe Jesus is God Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting 4_Five_Reasons_to_Believe_Jesus_Is_God.pdf Marshall_McDaniel_5-30-23_-_Five_Reasons_to_Believe_Jesus_is_God.mp3
05/29/23 Is The Bible Really From God? Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting 3_Is_the_Bible_Really_from_God.pdf Marshall_McDaniel_5-29-23_-_Is_the_Bible_Really_From_God.mp3
05/28/23 What You Need To Know About The Gospel Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting 2_What_You_Need_to_Know_About_the_Gospel.pdf Marshall_McDaniel_5-28-23_-_What_You_Need_to_Know_About_the_Gospel.mp3
05/28/23 Sunday Belongs to the Lord Marshall McDaniel Foundations of Faith Gospel Meeting 1_Sunday_Belongs_to_Jesus.pdf Marshall_McDaniel_5-28-23_-_Sunday_Belongs_to_the_Lord.mp3
05/21/23 What Would It Have Taken For You To Believe? TJ Smith N/A Sunday AM Worship (2nd Service) What_Would_It_Have_Taken_For_Us_To_Believe.pdf TJ_Smith_5-21-23_-_What_Would_It_Have_Taken_For_You_To_Believe.MP3

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